Kevin Arceneaux
Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po
We support actionable research on ethical and responsible uses of new digital technologies.
Project Liberty enhances ethical governance by supporting timely, actionable research on digital technology. Our founding partners - Sciences Po, Georgetown University and Stanford University - each receive grants to support the development of new scientific work conducted by their communities of world-class researchers.
Funded projects are selected and administered directly by university Steering Committees and retain full academic freedom. The selected projects will explore, in various ways, how technologies shape our social fabric and span social science, economics, policy and technology.
The first allocation of grants were announced in early 2022. As the projects are finalized, we work alongside Sciences Po, Georgetown University and Stanford University to make all research available for the public to access and leverage. Please browse the evidence-based findings and insights below.
The Sciences Po, Georgetown University and Stanford University Steering Committees ensure all partners and projects contribute toward the overall vision of Project Liberty. Their mission includes the selection and monitoring of projects, the appointment of dedicated liaison officers between the university and Project Liberty, as well as coordination with different internal and external networks to support the communication of the projects and partnership.
Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po
Walsh Professor, McCourt School of Public Policy and Department of Government, Georgetown University
Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Professor and Senior Fellow, HAI, Stanford University // Director of the Stanford Digital Economy Lab, Stanford University
Dean of the McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University
Sciences Po - Project Liberty's Institute Liaison Officer
Program Director, Tech and Public Policy Program, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University
Provost and Professor of Economics, Sciences Po
Head of Strategy and Development, Sciences Po
James B. McClatchy Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
Professor of Political Science & Director of the Center for Ethics in Society, Stanford
International Policy Director at the Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University
Assistant Professor, Sciences Po
Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Georgetown University
Georgetown University – Project Liberty's Institute Liaison Officer
McCourt Global, President of Amplica Labs
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